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PHCC Raises Awareness on World Environment Day

06 Jun 2024

Safeguarding and improving the human environment is a major issue affecting the well-being of people and economic development worldwide. As a result, June 5 has been designated as World Environment Day. This occasion serves as an opportunity to broaden the enlightened opinion and responsible actions of individuals, businesses, communities, and countries in safeguarding the environment.


Dr. Mariam Abdullah Al-Musalimani, Director of Occupational Health and Safety Department at the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), emphasizes the significance of World Environment Day, which has evolved into a global platform for public awareness since its inception in 1974. This day is observed widely in more than 150 countries, led by the United Nations Environment Program. Its objective is to create new perspectives and initiate reforms to raise awareness of environmental conservation, particularly as deforestation caused by human activities can lead to ecosystem loss, due to increased greenhouse gas emissions, as well as awareness towards a sustainable environment and natural resources.


PHCC participates in the global celebration of World Environment Day on June 5 annually to raise public awareness and urge nations to adopt and provide supportive and eco-friendly programs and services. The 2024 theme, “Our Land, Our Future”, calls for land restoration, combating desertification, and enhancing drought resilience.


Dr. Mariam adds that Qatar has always prioritized environmental protection and sustainable development, demonstrating its continuous commitment to addressing global environmental challenges on various occasions. This commitment is reflected in the introduction of programs aimed at promoting sustainability and eco-friendly practices at the national level, such as green buildings, waste management including recycling, and air quality monitoring, as well as water quality related programs.


“National Plan”

In September 2021, the Council of Ministers has approved the National Climate Change Plan, a strategic framework that reflects the country's long-term aspirations in sustainability and the urgent need to effectively respond to the climate crisis and protect the environment for current and future generations. Efforts from official and local entities, including government and private sector institutions, have joined forces to implement these programs and comply with related laws and regulations.


PHCC is one of these entities that prioritized these programs. The Occupational Health and Safety Department (OHS) works to implement these programs at local and global standards in all PHCC health centers, aiming to fostering a community conscious of the actions that promote environmental safety and reduce the impact of activities on it.


The OHS monitors water quality to eliminate or significantly reduce risks related to water safety and ensures safe handling of hazardous materials during collection, storage, and disposal, in addition to monitoring indoor air quality by assessing chemical and biological standards, implementing a waste recycling program and providing all the requirements to ensure its implementation and continuity in coordination with the Ministry of Municipality and Environment.


“Observing World Environment Day”

To celebrate this occasion, under the theme "We Only Have One Earth," the Occupational Health and Safety Department invested in educating and raising awareness among its employees and their children. They conducted a competition involving short information through e-mails sent to all employees to benefit from and share the importance of this annual event.


The OHS continuously works to spread awareness among its employees on environmental topics such as water and electricity consumption reduction, paper waste reduction, and improving indoor air quality in the workplace. They have also organized an intensive awareness campaign through sending electronic messages to employees, focusing on introducing World Environment Day and some activities for environmental conservation.