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PHCC Celebrates the International Nurses Day

13 May 2024

International Nurses Day is a worldwide event observed by healthcare institutions to convey gratitude and appreciation for nurses across the globe, serving as a tribute to their relentless efforts, contributions and vital role in delivering healthcare and supporting patients and their families. Celebrated on May 12 each year, this day commemorates the birth of Florence Nightingale, a renowned nursing pioneering and founder of the modern nursing.


The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) is recognized as a key influential partner in the success of Qatar’s healthcare system, operating under the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) as an integral component. Annually, PHCC celebrates this occasion to underscore the vital role of the nurses and highlight their significance within the Qatari community. In alignment with the International Nurses Day 2024 ’s theme “Our patients. Our future. The Economic Power of Care”, PHCC honors its nurses for their tireless efforts towards the health, safety and wellbeing of the community.   


Mrs. Ibtisam Abdulla, Director of Nursing Department at PHCC, emphasizes the significant role of the nursing staff in Qatar, similar to other countries worldwide, as they deliver comprehensive professional healthcare to patients across PHCC health centers. They play a crucial role in providing physical and mental support to patients and their families throughout the treatment process, contributing to the improvement of healthcare quality and ensuring patient safety and comfort through utilizing their skills and dedication.


“Frontline Nurses”

It is imperative to shed light on the critical and vital role that nurses have played during the COVID-19 pandemic in addressing this global health crisis. The nursing teams have been and continue to be on the frontlines, tackling immense challenges and direct health risks. They have been instrumental in providing healthcare and support to COVID-19 patients and others. Workloads on nurses has increased during this period, with extended working hours leading to fatigue and mental strain caused by the pandemic and being away from their families. nevertheless, their dedication and commitment remained unwavering as they contributed to enhancing and raising awareness among patients and their families, easing tension and anxiety through awareness and education campaigns to curb the spread of the virus and promote prevention.


“High Skills and Expertise”

The Director of Nursing Department adds that PHCC nursing team is composed of highly qualified and well-trained nurses who provide healthcare to patients. The nurses possess exceptional skills and expertise that enable them to meet patients’ needs and deliver healthcare effectively and professionally. They undertake a wide range of tasks, including direct care, as they assess the patients’ conditions, triaging them into urgent and routine cases, handling them according to their severity to ensure they receive the timely and necessary treatment. They administer treatments and care based on the prescribed plan, perform medical procedures accurately, such as medication management, wound care, injections, organizing home health care, school healthcare, in addition to providing mental and emotional support to patients and their families to help them cope with their health conditions. Finally, they document patients’ information and data, record all important procedures and observations to ensure seamless and continuous care. PHCC nurses are considered a cornerstone, contributing significantly to providing comprehensive and quality care to patients. They work collaboratively with other healthcare teams to ensure an integrated and effective therapeutic experience for patients.


“Development of Nursing Education”

Mrs. Ibtisam Abdullah, Director of Nursing Department, emphasized that nursing education is witnessing continuous development in Qatar, reflecting medical and technological advancements in the healthcare industry. Educational institutions offer specialized and advanced programs to qualify nursing staff to meet the needs of the labor market for professional nurses. PHCC places great emphasis on developing and supporting the efficiency and skills of its nurses to provide the best possible care for patients. In addition, PHCC provides an encouraging and motivating work environment to enhance positive culture and teamwork through continuous training programs, professional development opportunities, aligned with the corporate objectives to provide the best healthcare, as nurses are considered essential partners in achieving this goal.


"Diverse Activities and Events"

On the occasion of International Nurses Day, PHCC in Qatar organized a variety of activities and events to honor the role and efforts of nursing staff in healthcare, including educational workshops and awareness seminars to highlight the importance of the nursing profession and promote communication and collaboration among professionals in this field.


To conclude, PHCC nurses are committed to delivering top-notch care and nursing services to patients. PHCC nurses undergo comprehensive training and possess high skills, carefully selected to ensure the delivery of medical services efficiently and professionally. The dedication of PHCC nurses plays a crucial role in the success of the healthcare system, showcasing their unwavering commitment to providing high-quality care to patients and the community.