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PHCC Celebrates Oral and Dental Health Awareness Month

28 Sep 2021

Oral Health 2021

The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has called for the importance of good dental hygiene by brushing teeth and keeping gums healthy by using a medical dental floss, in addition to taking good care of fixed and removable dentures, as well as orthodontic appliances following the doctor’s instructions.

As part of the Ministry of Public Health’s (MoPH) celebrations of the Oral and Dental Health Awareness Month, PHCC organized a series of health and educational events covering awareness lectures and messages and invitations to the corporation’s staff to undergo an oral and dental check-up. The events aimed to spread awareness of oral and dental health among all segments of society, particularly in view of the surrounding circumstances due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Najat Al Yafei, Head of Preventive Oral and Dental Health at PHCC, stressed the need to take good care of oral and dental health, as the mouth is the first gateway to many diseases: it is a place where microbes (viruses and bacteria) gather. Therefore, practicing good oral and dental hygiene prevents various diseases, especially other physical diseases connected to gingivitis.

Dr. Al Yafei revealed that PHCC, in cooperation with the MoPH, organized a series of events on the occasion of the Oral and Dental Health Awareness Month, as an important occasion in which efforts must be combined to protect the oral and dental health of everyone. She said that PHCC, in cooperation with the MoPH, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE), filmed educational lectures for school students by a PHCC dentist team, explaining that these lectures will be presented to students in all academic stages by the MoEHE through its media and electronic educational platforms.

Dr. Al Yafei added, “among the internal events of PHCC is to invite the headquarters’ staff to undergo a medical oral and dental health check-ups over two days, one for men and the other for women, in addition to preparing a series of awareness messages and lectures for the community to be posted during September through PHCC social media and other media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. She mentioned a lecture entitled “Don’t Make Your Mouth a Gateway to Diseases” by Dr. Ali Al Hamad, Dentist at the PHCC Al Thumama Health Center, and another one entitled “Bad Oral Habits and Their Effects on the Teeth and Jaws” by Dr. Amal Al Wadia, Dentist at PHCC Al Waab Health Center.

Dr. Al Yafei also pointed out that the aim of delivering such lectures and messages by PHCC within its various oral and dental events is to raise awareness among members of society, and thus resulting in teeth free of decay and healthy gums.